Error Handling
The Fitbit Web API response will contain an HTTP status code which states if
the endpoint executed successfully or failed. If an error occurs, the HTTP
status code and response body can help clarify the cause of the failure. An
attempt is made to use the appropriate HTTP codes whenever possible. The
response body's errorType
and message
elements will
provide more information about the exact problem. The status codes and error
types are described below. See Error
Messages for
details on the specific errors.
Types of Status Codes
HTTP Status Code | Description |
200 OK | The request was successful. |
201 Created | The request was successful and a new resource was created. |
204 No Content | The request was successful and no response is provided. |
HTTP Status Code | Description |
400 Bad Request | Any case where either the endpoint doesn't exist, resource path parameters are invalid, POST request parameters are invalid or no Authentication header is provided. This doesn't include invalid specific resource ids. |
401 Unauthorized | The OAuth Authorization header provided is invalid (consider looking in response body). Client or authorized users have no privilege to view requested data (for example, requested resource's owner has privacy permission "You" or "Friends" for requested resource). |
403 Forbidden | The application is not authorized to access this resource. |
404 Not Found | The resource with given id doesn't exist. |
409 Conflict | The application tried to create a conflicting resources (consider looking at errorType). |
411 Length Required | POST requests require a content-length header field containing the anticipated size of the payload body. |
429 Too Many Requests | The application hit the rate limiting quota for the client or for the viewer. |
HTTP Status Code | Description |
500 Internal Server Error | Something is wrong on our side (and we are working on it). Try your request later. |
502 Bad Gateway | We will be back soon. Maintenance! |
503 Service Unavailable | The Fitbit service is temporarily offline for maintenance. We'll be back soon. |
504 Gateway Timeout | The server did not get a response in time to complete the request. |
Types of Errors
errorType | Description |
authorization | The authorization failed. |
expired_token | The OAuth token has expired. |
insufficient_permissions | The application has insufficient permissions to the resource. |
insufficient_scope | The application is missing a scope. |
invalid_client | The client_id provided is invalid. |
invalid_grant | The grant_type value provided is invalid. |
invalid_request | The request syntax provided is invalid. |
invalid_scope | The scope provided is invalid. |
invalid_token | The OAuth token provided is invalid. |
not_found | The resource with given id doesn’t exist. |
oauth | OAuth token is invalid, missing or expired. |
request | The API request failed. |
system | The system request failed. |
unsupported_grant_type | The grant_type provided is invalid. |
unsupported_response_type | The response_type provided is invalid. |
validation | Request parameter is invalid or missing. |
OAuth2 Errors
Authorization Request Errors
According to the OAuth 2.0 RFC, if the redirect_uri
is valid, the
user is redirected to the application's redirect_uri
, and any
errors are appended to the URI as a query string. However, this behavior could
be used in a phishing attack. Therefore, Fitbit’s OAuth 2.0 implementation
diverges from the spec in that the user will remain on
, and any errors will be displayed on the page.
All OAuth2 errors, excluding the Authorization Request Errors, will be suffixed with:
"Visit for more information
on the Fitbit Web API authorization process."
Like so:
"errors": [
"errorType": "invalid_request",
"message": "Missing parameters: refresh_token. Visit for more information on the Fitbit Web API authorization process."
"success": false
Access Token Request Errors
401 Unauthorized errors will occur when the "Authorization" header is invalid
or missing. In addition to an "errors" JSON object, the API will respond with
a WWW-Authenticate
header and value of
Basic realm=""
. However, if the API cannot
determine the authentication scheme due to the Authorization header missing or
the word "Basic" being misspelled, the WWW-Authenticate
will return the value Bearer realm=""
Refresh Token Request Errors
For 401 Unauthorized errors that occur during a refresh token request, the API
will respond with a WWW-Authenticate
header and a value of
Bearer realm=""
, rather than a value of Basic
On rare occasions, the application may encounter a 409 Conflict error for
concurrent refresh token requests. The avoid this error, applications should
avoid making multiple, concurrent refresh token requests. Verify the refresh
token process was not started for the same token more than once, and, where
applicable, coordinate refresh token requests across processes.
GET https<nolink>://
Error Response Body
Status code: 400
Status message: Bad Request
Response body:
{ "errors": [
"errorType": "validation",
"fieldName": "date",
"message": "Invalid date:ABCD-EF-GH"