Create Activity Log
Creates a log entry containing the Fitbit user's activity or private custom activity.
Scope: activity
POST | /1/user/[user-id]/activities.json |
URI Arguments
user-id | required | The encoded ID of the user. Use "-" (dash) for current logged-in user. |
Query Parameters
activityId | optional/required | This is the activity ID of the activity, directory activity or intensity level activity. If you pass directory activity id, Fitbit calculates and substitutes it with the corresponding intensity level activity ID based on the specified distance and/or duration. Either activityId or activityName must be provided. | integer |
activityName | optional/required | Custom activity name. Either activityId or activityName must be provided. | string |
manualCalories | optional/required | Calories burned, specified manually. Request with activityName parameter, otherwise optional | integer |
startTime | required | Activity start time. Hours and minutes in the format HH:mm. | string ($time) |
durationMillis | required | Duration in milliseconds. | integer |
date | required | Log entry date in the format yyyy-MM-dd. | string ($date) |
distance | optional/required | Distance; required for logging directory activity. In the format X.XX and in the selected distanceUnit or in the unit system that corresponds to the Accept-Language header provided. | decimal |
distanceUnit | optional | Distance measurement unit. See Units for acceptable values. "Steps" may be used as a distanceUnits value when the activity is either "Walking" (activityId=90013) or "Running" (activityId=90009). | string |
Request Headers
authorization | required | Specify the token type and Fitbit user’s access token.
Token type: Bearer |
accept | optional | The media type of the response content the client is expecting.
Supported: application/json |
accept-language | optional | The measurement unit system to use for response values. See Localization. |
accept-locale | optional | The locale to use for response values. See Localization. |
content-length | required | According to RFC 7230, section 3.3.2, this HTTP request requires the Content-Length header field containing the anticipated size of the payload body. |
POST https
-H "accept: application/json" \
-H "authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
-H "content-length: <message_body_size>"
Element Name | Description |
activityLog : activityId | The ID of the activity. |
activityLog : activityParentId | The ID of the top level ("parent") activity. |
activityLog : activityParentName | The name of the top level ("parent") activity. |
activityLog : calories | Calories burned during the exercise. |
activityLog : description | Description of the activity logged. |
activityLog : distance | The distance traveled during the recorded activity in the unit system corresponding to the Accept-Language header. |
activityLog : duration | The length of time in milliseconds. |
activityLog : hasStartTime | Specifies if the activity was entered with a start time. Supported: true | false |
activityLog : isFavorite | Specifies if activity is listed as a user's favorite. Supported: true | false |
activityLog : lastModified | The timestamp the activity was entered in the format yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.fff. |
activityLog : logId | The activity log's reference id. |
activityLog : name | The name of the activity log. |
activityLog : startDate | The date the activity occurred. |
activityLog : startTime | The start time the activity occurred. |
activityLog : steps | The number of steps taken during the activity. |
{ "activityLog": { "activityId": 90013, "activityParentId": 90013, "activityParentName": "Walk", "calories": 300, "description": "Walking less than 2 mph, strolling very slowly", "distance": 2, "duration": 6000000, "hasActiveZoneMinutes": true, "hasStartTime": true, "isFavorite": false, "lastModified": "2023-06-05T18:39:39.035Z", "logId": 56268507015, "name": "Walk", "startDate": "2023-06-01", "startTime": "10:30", "steps": 2706 } }
Response Headers
content-type | The media type of the response content being sent to the client. Supported: application/json |
fitbit-rate-limit-limit | The quota number of calls. |
fitbit-rate-limit-remaining | The number of calls remaining before hitting the rate limit. |
fitbit-rate-limit-reset | The number of seconds until the rate limit resets. |
Note: The rate limit headers are approximate and asynchronously updated. This means that there may be a minor delay in the decrementing of remaining requests. This could result in your application receiving an unexpected 429 response if you don't track the total number of requests you make yourself.
Response Type
HTTP Status Code | HTTP response code. List of codes are found in the Troubleshooting Guide. |
Status Message | Description of the status code. |
Response Body | Contains the JSON response to the API call. When errors are returned by the API call, the errorType, fieldName and message text will provide more information to the cause of the failure. |
Response Codes
201 | A successful request. |
400 | The request had bad syntax or was inherently impossible to be satisfied. |
401 | The request requires user authentication. |
Note: For a complete list of response codes, please refer to the Troubleshooting Guide.
Additional Information
This endpoint uses the units in the unit system which corresponds to the Accept-Language header provided (or using optional custom distanceUnit) and sends a JSON response in the format requested.
When specifying the startTime parameter value, do not include seconds. Seconds is not a supported value and will return incorrect data when it is included.
Activity Types
Any activity log entry is based on one of the activities from the catalog of activities. Though activities in catalog have a tree structure (i.e. divided into categories like "Sports and Workouts", "Running" and subcategories like "Bicycling", "Walking"), each activity leaf in the catalog can also have more granular structure. Each leaf can have a directory activity type (and have child intensity levels) or simple activity (have no levels). When creating a new activity log entry, use the following types of objects to pass as the activityId value:
- Directory activity id: activity contains child activities which represents intensity levels (e.g. "Running").
- Intensity level id: activity within directory activity (e.g. "Running/6.7mph (9 min/mile)").
- Simple activity id: single activity without intensity levels (e.g. "Shoveling snow").
Note: A list of activities can be retrieved via the Browse Activities endpoint.
Custom Activities
In the process of creating a new activity log entry, it is possible to seamlessly create a new custom activity for the user. This can be achieved by using the second scenario for the set of POST parameters (providing activityName instead of activityId). In this case, either existing custom activity with the same name will be used for creating new log entry or a new record created and then logged. As for custom activities on the website, manualCalories must always provided with the activityName parameter among other required fields.
Note: "Steps" may be used as a distanceUnits value when the activity is either "Walking" (activityId=90013) or "Running" (activityId=90009) and distance is only included when it is relevant.
Webhook notifications
The Fitbit Web API can send notifications when a Fitbit user has new data to download. This is possible by implementing the Subscription API and subscribing to one or more data collections. See Using Subscriptions. Whenever the activity service recognizes a change to the user’s data, a notification is sent to your application’s subscriber.
The activity collection recognizes changes to a user’s recorded activities, step count, calories burned, distance traveled, etc. Keep in mind that even when a person is not in motion, their body is burning calories. It’s possible to receive activity notifications representing calorie burn even when the user is sleeping or stationary. Today, you cannot subscribe to a subset of the user’s activity data. So, it is the responsibility of your application to query the necessary activity endpoint(s) to reconcile the data in your system.