Jpeg API
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Jpeg API


Decode a JPEG file to a native TXI image file

jpeg.decodeSync(filename: string, outputFilename: string, options?: JpegDecodeOptions | undefined)


filename: string

The name of the JPEG file to decode.

outputFilename: string

The name of a TXI file to write to.

(optional) options: JpegDecodeOptions or undefined

Options decoding options.


Decode a JPEG file to a native TXI image file asynchronously

jpeg.decode(filename: string, outputFilename: string, options?: JpegDecodeOptions | undefined)


filename: string

The name of the JPEG file to decode.

outputFilename: string

The name of a TXI file to write to.

(optional) options: JpegDecodeOptions or undefined

Options decoding options.

Interface: JpegDecodeOptions

Configuration options for the JPEG decoder.



boolean or undefined

Indicates whether the jpeg file should be deleted after a successful decode. If set to true, the operation will delete the jpeg file on success. If set to false or isn't defined, the jpeg file will not be deleted.


boolean or undefined

Indicates whether the txi file should be overwritten if it already exists. If set to true, the operation will overwrite the txi file if it already exists. If set to false or isn't defined, the decode will fail if the output file already exists.